Housing Policy
“Slow and Sudden Violence: Why and When Uprisings Occur.” Cornell University’s Sociology Department Colloquium. Ithaca, NY.
Invited Talk. “Connecting the Old and New Urban Renewal Periods: Legacies of Historic and Contemporary Housing Discrimination.” The National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Workshop on Housing and Obesity: Gaps, Opportunities, and Future Directions for Advancing Health Equity. Washington, DC.
Invited Virtual Talk. “Race, REITs, and Redevelopment.” Urban Frontiers: A
Conference on Gentrification Studies, State University of New York at Albany, Albany,
Invited Virtual Talk. “Ghetto Walls Go Up and Then Come Down but Nothing
Changes.” University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA.
Invited Panelist. “Gentrification: A Transdisciplinary Conversation.”
Gentrification & Displacement: An International Dialogue. Boston University Initiative on Cities’ Conference. Boston, MA.
“Roots of the Revolts: Segregation, Serial Displacement, and Gentrification in St. Louis, Baltimore, and Beyond.” Paper presented at the Urban Affairs Association Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN.
Invited Talk. “Fifth-Wave Gentrification and Implications for Understanding and Documenting Neighborhood Change.” University of Puerto Rico’s Graduate School of Planning, San Juan, PR.
"Theorizing US Fifth-Wave Gentrification: Rental Financialization and Racial Repercussions.” Paper Presentation at the Conference of the Research Network 37 Urban Sociology of the European Sociological Association. Berlin, Germany.
Place Branding
Invited Virtual Panelist. “Howard Theater and U Street Development:
Intersections of Art & Economics.” Mosaic Theater Company, Washington, DC.
Invited Virtual Panelist. “At Home with Mosaic: The History of H Street.”
Mosaic Theater Company, Washington, DC.
Invited Virtual Talk. “Black Branding and Processes of Political and Cultural
Displacement in Washington, DC.” University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA.
Invited Virtual Panelist. “Colvin Fall Lecture – Gentrification: Deracination of the Black Community in Harlem and Washington, DC.” University of Maryland, College Park.
D.C. Development
Invited Keynote Address. “Getting to Equitable Development, DC-Style: From U Street to the Waterfront.” Institute of International Education, Washington, DC.
Invited Virtual Talk. “Race, Class, and Politics in the Cappuccino City.” American University, Washington, DC.
Invited Virtual Session Chair. “DC Area Politics: From Urban Renewal to Gentrification.” 13th Biennial Symposium of the Latrobe Chapter, Society of Architectural Historians, Washington, DC.
Invited Talk. “The Context of Gentrification in Washington, DC.” The DC Bar Foundation, Washington, DC.